The Mouse & Helium Series: The Unexpected World” is a new adventure for children’s favorite mice, Musse and Helium! The search for Musse and Helium’s parents has led our friends to the Human World. But now, they’ve crash-landed on an island in the sea and are surrounded by the legendary Bulldozer’s bat guards! Musse and Helium are brave and quick-witted, but how will they get out of this predicament?
The books about Musse and Helium have enchanted children and adults all over the country. In the first series, the mice found the missing Golden Cheese and saved the Animal Kingdom. However, Musse and Helium’s parents are still missing, and the clues have led them and their cat friend Sigge to the human world, where the second series begins.
This is book 2 in the second series about Musse and Helium. Also, read book 1: “The Mysterious World.”
A book for the whole family! Primarily aimed at children between 6 and 10 years old but also suitable as a read-aloud book for children from 4 years old. Camilla Brinck has created a unique and bustling fantasy world filled with humor, excitement, and vibrant environments.
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